Are you seeking trending Free Funny Video?Are Baby videos your favorites? This is what you need.The best collection of free funny videos and always update. You will find thousands of funny videos that including babies falling, cartoon video, scary moments and joking prank with babies or babies fails.You will also find the education video for kids with alphabet or number, color study.We are aiming for quality over quantity so we are keeping the categories that make you easy to choose:✔ Funny Babies video clips: The collection of funny clips of babies such as baby fails, argument, scary moments and joking.✔ Cooking Babies video clips: The collection of introduction video of kitchen tools & toys for kids.✔ Cartoon Babies video clips: Some shot movies that characters in cartoon movie will appear✔ Drawing Babies video clips: Some lesson that helps kid to learn drawing✔ Coloring Study Babies video clip: Some lesson about colors✔ Alphabet and Numbers clips: Alphabet and numbers study.Please have a look and get ready to laugh!